Sunday, July 25, 2010

You can't take me - I'm Free!

Free is a state of mind.

I love to watch the movie, "Spirit - Stallion of the Cimarrron" because it tells the story of a wild horse who is captured by humans, how they try to break him, try to get him to serve their purposes, and how he never loses the knowledge of who he is. He is free - it doesn't matter what the ropes, chains, and whips say.

At one point he becomes discouraged, only to be reminded of his heritage - and he does everything in his power to make his way back to the open plains where his family is waiting for him.

The things people do and say to us can put us into bondage, and we can stay there for many years. But inside, the person Jesus died to rescue is still there, still needing to shed those chains. Jesus will do it too, if we are committed to the process. To be sure, it is a process and doesn't usually happen overnight.

But it's well worth the fight to be free (click here).
So worth it.

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