Monday, July 5, 2010

There's no arguing with experience

I remember once being criticized by someone for "focusing too much on experience" in my Christian walk. My response was, "What is the Christian life if not an experience with the living Christ??" The person did not have an answer.

My hubby was running an errand today, and ran into an old acquaintance. She was telling him about a 19-year-old niece of hers who was having problems of fatigue, weight gain, and several other symptoms. Her parents took her to the doctor, who did a creatine test (to see how efficiently her kidneys were filtering out toxins). The normal count is between 20 and 60, the lower the better. Hers was over 7,000. Yes, seven thousand, it wasn't a typo. The doctor ordered her to go on dialysis right away. A further kidney test revealed that she had lost complete function of 55% of one of her kidneys and he told her that she would be on dialysis the rest of her life.

In desperation she submitted to be prayed over.

Today, she watches what she eats, keeps hydrated, and that kidney has still lost 55% of its function. But she doesn't need dialysis. And she's full of energy. "I go to the XXXXXXXXX church," (naming a denomination), the aunt said to my husband. "We don't believe in miracles happening today. How on earth am I supposed to explain this?"

What a happy crisis of faith to have. I can sense God chuckling as He grants this miracle, knowing full well it will cause so many people to cease keeping Him in the box they've kept Him in, all their lives. He absolutely hates to be pegged; He's constantly surprising people with His power, His generosity, His grace and mercy, and His quirky sense of humour. Oh come on, He's got one...what about the platypus??

Seriously - there is absolutely no arguing with experience. The man blind from birth, healed by Jesus, essentially said that he didn't know a lot of things about who Jesus was, or where He came from, but "this one thing I know. I once was blind, but now I see."

It's delightfully compelling.

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