Saturday, July 31, 2010

Our God is too small

I found this (oh so adorable) video on Youtube.

Watch and listen...

J. B. Phillips wrote a book called "Your God is Too Small" - I remember reading it a very long time ago; it's probably out of print by now. He made a valid point. Often we tend to create God in the image of some authority figure in our lives. As a result, we start thinking of God as this big super-human - with foibles and faults just like us, including the tendency to jump on our case when we mess up, or (alternatively) say, "There, there dear," and ignore it when we rebel against everything He stands for.

Our God is really SO unbelievably, indescribably BIG. To quote the hymn-writer, Perfect in power, in love and purity.

If He wasn't, He wouldn't be God!!

Now let's consider this video - and let faith leap up in our hearts.

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