Thursday, June 23, 2011

I could get used to this

A funny thing happened to me on the way to work today.
I almost didn't get there.

My hubby was finished dropping our daughter off at school and then got into the wrong lane to keep going to my workplace.  I said, 'uhhh, honey?' and he realized he was going to his next stop (errand-wise) ... he would have forgotten to drop me off!!  Truth be told, I wouldn't have minded.

Even with all the weirdness in the last few days, I've so enjoyed being with my hubby that the old saying, "I could get used to this" really applies.

We usually say it to each other when the sun is warm, the breeze is just right, and we're just drinking in the beauty of the day.  But I think it also applies to the opportunity to spend unbroken, quality time with each other.  

Relationships take work.  They take time.  Little things done with each other, little kindnesses shown to each other, special experiences shared, hugs, prayers, too-often-untold truths told in loving ways.  It's the way ALL relationships develop - with others, our selves, and God.  

The payoff of spending time and making room for that person, whoever he/she may be - is far more than could ever be appreciated or enjoyed by one person. Or two.

But it's fun trying.

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