Sunday, January 23, 2011

Never Run Dry

When I was a child, one of the things I took for granted was this pipe sticking up out of the ground in my home town.  It was called the Booster Pump - an odd name which has a long history and which I didn't know then.  Basically it was a man-made artesian well.  The town had built a reservoir to catch rain water, piped it under the town but there were problems getting it to go over a certain hill to supply the rest of the town, so they built a pump to move the water over the hill.  In order to make it work properly there was an overflow well, which was converted into a pump-house.  The 40 horsepower pump was left on all the time.  In time the need for the pump no longer existed (with larger pipes underground) but the man-made artesian well remained.  In the 1940s the pump house was removed - and when I was a child in the late 60's, the pipe sticking up from the ground, constantly spouting pure water, had become a town landmark. Children and animals alike quenched their thirst from it; people would bring jugs to fill from it and take home, claiming that the "town water" didn't taste nearly as good as this.

They were right.  The water that overflowed was akin to well water on a grand scale, fed by rains and the winter snows and spring run-off.  It was clear, pure, cold, and breathtakingly delicious. It still is. It was also free to anyone and I hope that it still is.  I believe that now, another pump house has been constructed around it to honor the landmark.  

All I knew as a child was that the water was there, it was good, and it was free.

Like God's love - forgiveness - grace ... an endless supply offered freely.  Only His is on a much larger scale.  

Life doesn't get any better than that.
Anybody thirsty?

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