Tuesday, April 26, 2011

His Story

It's the most powerful story in the world.  

It's changed more people's lives, done more to shape the thinking of countless generations than any one story could.

This past weekend, our church did its best to tell His Story in all its simplicity - no apologies, no excuses.  The reaction from all who have given feedback has been phenomenal. Account after account crop up of people's lives being profoundly affected just from this one simple - incredible - compelling story.

It's amazing.  

You see, we told His Story.  And then we told how His Story changed our own stories.  And it has - in many different ways.  

It's so easy to become blasé in the church.  Yeah, Jesus died for our sins and rose from the dead on the 3rd day.  Ho hum.

But put yourself in the story, fellow believer.  When that happens - when the reality of the sacrifice at the cross and the realization of the resurrection bursts upon your consciousness - the excitement of those moments can devastate your decorum and you might not be able to keep yourself from celebrating!!

Comments I've heard from this production from those who attended range from awe at the singing to "NOW I understand what it's all about!!" from a boy not yet a teen.  

Those who participated in the play were encouraged to identify with their character.  This revolutionized the cast's perceptions, no matter what part they played - from Jesus to Judas and everyone in between.  I watched someone to whom tears did not come easily, break down and weep in grief on stage during the burial scene, and be so affected that she was in tears even after the scene was over.  It is so indicative of how potent and arresting His Story is even after nearly 20 centuries, because He let His Story unfold - painful as it was physically and spiritually for Him - so that we could become part of it.

Such magnanimous, unconditional love still astounds me.

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