Wednesday, November 24, 2010

This is (part of) my story

Lately I have been reminded of the simple power of telling one's story of healing, of God's miraculous power.  

A lot of people can say a lot of things regarding someone's beliefs, opinions, or thoughts, but there is very little anyone can say or do to argue with the voice of experience.  What comes to mind is the man blind from birth, healed when a man he didn't know made mud, put it on his eyes and told him to go wash in a certain pool.  He did - and came back seeing.  When the religious officials questioned him, questioned his theology, and ridiculed his opinion, he simply said, "Whether He is a sinner or not, I don't know.  All I know is that I once was blind, and now I see."

Powerful words because they tell of something that really happened.

Many people have commented on the story my husband and I have to tell.  So, since our assistant pastor came to our house in April 2010 and filmed some of our story, I am including it here.  We did the interview in fear and trembling - but we needn't have worried.  We have been accepted with open arms by people we thought would turn us away.  That's an amazing thing because - well, see for yourself.

The various communities of which we are a part have opened up their hearts and their arms to us, and we are so grateful.  

When I look back at how far we have come, I am truly amazed at God's power to transform.  I've been in recovery  -  on this road of healing  -  for about 22 months, my hubby for 20 months.  Each of us has been on a parallel road of healing in our lives.  The details are different of course, but the process is the same.  

The great thing about this is that we realize that God can use the awful, the difficult things in our lives firstly to bring us to the place where we admit we need help - and then, once we are where God wants us to be, to help others who might have the exact same problem, feelings, addiction, or struggles we did.  And not only can we give them hope that it can change, but we can tell them ... SHOW them how it can be done in the day-to-day.  

In doing so, God transforms the very thing we thought was so ugly, into something beautiful for Him.  What a miracle!

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