Monday, October 11, 2010

I am the words; You are the music

I can't imagine my life without music. I grew up in a musical family; there was music all around me from before I was born. My nicest memories growing up all revolved around singing together, harmonizing, playing instruments.

Beside "First Words" in my baby book, my mother wrote, "Tried to sing."

I love the music of Ferrante and Teicher, a piano duo that has never been equaled. André Gagnon, Canadian composer and pianist, comes a close second in the piano world. My heart has thrilled to the classical guitar styles of José Feliciano and of Leona Boyd. I've sung in choirs, played in bands, done solos with both live backup and "canned". Music is in my blood, it's interwoven into my spirit - inextricable from it. It's so much a part of me that it's only natural that this would be the most powerful way for me to express my feelings - to my family, to God, to the world around me, and to myself.

I cannot "not sing." There's always a song in my head - I wake up with one every morning - and it could be a gospel tune or just as easily one from a popular artist from the 70's or 80's. Usually the tune contains a message I need to hear that day; this message I view as from God, another way He tells me that He loves me. It's uncanny!! Like this one morning when I was particularly rushed and feeling a little lost in the shuffle, the song I heard was something from the 70's hit parade, "Darlin' if you want me to be closer to you, get closer to me..." and when I realized what the song was, I knew God was telling me to take some time to spend with Him. When I did, the day didn't seem quite so rushed and I knew peace.

Yesterday, when I was practicing worship songs for church with the team, I remember how I "fluttered" inside when I heard the three-part harmony blend together ... it sounded so good and just touched a spot in me that nothing else can touch. I can't explain it; it just makes me bubble up inside.

I thank God for the fabric of music He has woven into my soul.


  1. Oh if you only knew the frustration that people like me experience. I love music. It stirs me in places I can't reach on my own. Unfortunately I am completely tone deaf. No matter how hard I try I cannot find the pitch/tone. I'm completely hopeless. Sometimes when I'm home alone I'll belt out some tunes along with a CD but I'm sad that I can't sing on my own or contribute at church. I think it would be a beautiful release -like a good cry-to belt out a song.

  2. But it IS in you, Little M.
    Musical expression takes many forms (art, prose, poetry, photography...) God listens to the music of your heart. He hears the worship that arises from the deepest recesses of your being. If music is a vehicle for you to do that, even if it's with a CD and by yourself, that's all He cares about. The important thing is connection with Him! Plus, you have so many other talents that you can contribute to the general body. He uses the gift of your recovery / healing and even the experiences that you have had before that, to bless and lift up so many - like me - who need encouragement.

    Long ago I came to the conclusion that whenever I sang or played an instrument I could no longer settle for seeking the approval of humans; it's so fickle and superficial at times. I play / sing for an Audience of One. I write, whether music or prose or whatever - for an Audience of One. God not only hears what comes out, He hears where it comes from, and what I wanted to come out in the first place (which always sounds better inside my head).

    I take great solace in His ability to hear my heart.

  3. Thanks for your encouraging words Judy :)
