Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Please Sir

We hear of two different extreme attitudes regarding asking God for something we want or need. Anything from a job to an inner healing.

One is the attitude of entitlement. Don't say please, just barge in and demand it. God's obliged by His word to give you anything you want. That's akin to a spoiled child demanding his own way and throwing a tantrum when he doesn't.

The other is an attitude of unworthiness. Don't ask Him for anything if you can help it; He's too busy to bother with you. If you HAVE to ask Him, grovel. And don't expect Him to give it to you either. At least not before you've done a whole lot more groveling. This is the picture of the one who has come to expect nothing from abuse from a parent.

The picture above is of the character Oliver Twist, still hungry after being given a meager serving of food. "Please sir, I want some more." Respectful. Yet he identifies his need. And he won't go away until he gets an answer, yes OR no.

He is neither cocky nor afraid. He is just needy, going to the only one who can meet that need and asking politely.

Wow. When I realize that God is so much more powerful and so much more loving and compassionate than that workhouse master who withheld food from the children to keep them in line, I find myself taking a lesson from Oliver Twist, knowing that God has my best interests at heart. His heart.

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